Research Questions

My primary work inquires about AI harms, and how we can help stakeholders combat harms.

Defining and Measuring Harm

What are users’ psychological responses to AI bias? How do these responses vary based on individual differences, especially across marginalized identities? Presently, I am interested in understanding the harms of language technologies and generative AI.

Blame Attribution

How do stakeholders attribute blame when a product has a harmful outcome?

Mitigating and Reversing Harm

How might we design to mitigate or reverse the psychological harm inflicted by AI bias? I explore this through design interventions at all stages of the product pipeline. This includes interventions for both developers as well as end-users.

Secondary Interests

I am also intrigued by: collaborative work, feminist computing, design futurism, moral/positive psychology.


Full Conference Proceedings

Workshops Organized

Short Papers

Academic History

Prior to my PhD, I studied usable privacy & security under Lorrie Cranor, Laura Dabbish, and Jason Hong.
I completed my B.A. in computer science at Columbia University, Barnard College.
CV available upon request.